Newspapers And Magazines Trading L.L.C-FZ

Ecovasia is an aggregator of scientific, technical and medical journals for universities and research institutes in the public and corporate sectors.


To provide a subscription to journals and articles to scientists and scientific organizations around the world, to organize opportunity scientists to submit manuscripts to journals on  Database «Science journals portal».

Database «Science journals portal»

«Science journals portal» is a database of electronic peer-review journals of one of the leading scientific publishing houses of Russia on topical issues of medicine, technical, social, humanitarian, agricultural and natural sciences. The database is constantly updated with new publications. Subscription to the database is possible from any date for 1 year.

Scope and characters of the base

The base includes more than 190 peer-review journals of which:

About company

Manager: Evgenii Shchepin
Activities: Newspapers & Magazines Trading
Formation Number: 2426069

Legal information

Certificate of formation
Business license


Address: Meydan Grandstand, 6th floor, Meydan Road, Nad Al Sheba, Dubai, U.A.E.
Evgenii Shchepin (General director): +971585826370
Igor Rodin (Supervisor): +971585795410